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Heartburn can happen at any time in pregnancy but is more common in the third trimester because as your uterus grows, it can push up on your stomach. Increased progesterone also relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter making reflux more common. Placenta makes more gastrin which increases stomach acid. 

What are some helpful strategies to manage heartburn?

  • Consuming small meals and snacks rather than large portions

  • Sipping on liquids throughout the day rather than drinking large volumes with meals

  • High blood sugar can make lower esophageal sphincter relax, so watching your intake of simple carbohydrates may help

  • Try eating an earlier, smaller dinner

  • Consider elevating the head of your bed

  • Keep track of foods that may increase your symptoms and try to avoid them

    • Common culprits may be sugary foods, spicy foods, caffeine (coffee or tea), chocolate, acidic foods (citrus or tomatoes), dairy, or gluten

    • Reactions are highly individualized so you don't necessarily need to avoid these foods if they don't bother you

  • Consider your posture

    • Sometimes using a maternity belt can help you maintain a more upright posture, which may help

  • If you are using antacids, try to avoid using them often. They can actually cause your stomach to make more stomach acid (if used every day or even every other day).

  • Try a splash of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water before a meal or snack

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